Kelly Gorder Well & Good Health Life Work

Wellbeing at Work

Instead of developing someone in a role,

what if we coached and supported the person…the whole person?

A lot of manager and leadership training revolves around coaching or development for a specific role–either current or future. The tools we give to our teams tend to impact their job and the organization’s goals. This is great for the company, but typically leaves the employee empty handed on how to integrate work successfully into a satisfying life, overall.

Instead of focusing on employee
retention and productivity in a particular job,

what if we focused on strengths, values and goals for a
team member’s life…all aspects of their life?

By recognizing and supporting the whole of someone, a coach mindset allows employees use ALL their strengths and experiences–personal and professional– to impact their role. They can connect to their personal values and find inspiration that is meaningful to them. Coaching the whole of someone can help frame up goals for their overall life.  They can then identify how their job plays an integral part of creating milestones to reach those goals.

Instead of trying to instill ‘work-life’ balance,

what if we gave people tools, autonomy and confidence to balance
their own time and energy….among all their unique priorities?

When we give people tools for their whole life, the skills, confidence, autonomy and sense of purpose will carry over into their jobs, too.  To build up an employee in a role, the person behind the role needs a meaningful foundation and framework. 

“For every 10,000 employees, there is the potential to lose up to $20 million due low well-being and its negative effect on productivity. This worldwide cost of employee burnout adds up to a whopping $322 billion in terms of lost productivity and turnover.” (Workhuman, 2022)

Why is a Coaching Mindset Different?

Coaches don’t tell employees what to do, and we don’t assume we know more about them than they do, themselves. Coaches work with an organization to help individuals tap into their own unique set of strengths and values, identifying how their job can help them reach their overall goals. We can be a source of safe accountability, a mirror to show them their best selves. We can help change “should” to “could” and “have to” to “get to”. Coaches support an individual’s foundation while they build (and sometimes rebuild) their career as part of their bigger life’s goals and ambitions. Coaches create an environment for employees to thrive, which includes:
  • Instilling a sense of possibility

  • Tapping into creativity – creativity sparks problem solving

  • Being a source of accountability

  • Identifying big picture goals and vision – and how their job is an important part of that big picture

  • Building confidence and momentum through realistic smaller short-term goals, and consistent wins

  • Communicating for connection and support – managers can use these same concepts with their teams

  • Reducing comparison and focusing on what is important to the individual and what they can offer

  • Leveraging existing resources and and making a plan to build a network via mentors and peer support

What Could Coaching Look Like?

Individual Development and Growth

  • One-on-one coaching can empower team members to grow, lead and impact by tapping in their own motivation, strengths and potential.

  • Through coaching, leaders find a heightened self-awareness and increased sense of capability and confidence.

  • Individual coaching creates clarity and priority in the midst of transition, and builds sustainable mindsets through self-regulation.

Team and Small Group Coaching/ Facilitation

  • Group coaching can support a team in ways similar to 1:1 coaching, but typically targets a specific topic or theme for discovery and discussion over several sessions.

  • In a group setting, the members benefit from the coaching process, but also learn from the collective wisdom of their peers; connections can be formed across departments, time zones, and hierarchy. 

  • Coaching can allow a group to support recent trainings, integrate learnings and offer accountability.

Education and Awareness Workshops

  • Single-topic workshops can be a great option for organizations to offer new ideas for further exploration

  • Often we don’t know what we don’t know, and exposure to a new way of thinking can plant a seed where curiosity and awareness can grow

  • Often there is a wide range of team members, and each individual can benefit from diversity of thought and experiences

  • A single workshop can spark the idea of possibility and generate momentum towards a bigger commitment or desire to shift

Any specific questions?
Want to talk about coaching in general?

Please reach out, I’d love to chat.

Eighty-six percent of employees say that their work life negatively impacts their happiness at home. The same percentage of people believe stress from work can greatly lower the quality of their life. Furthermore, experiencing workplace stress affects job performance – about 59% state it decreases productivity and 56% argue that it prevents learning and growth. (Indeed, 2022)

How Do We Coach the Whole Person?

Below are just a few ideas and topics that can help develop the whole of a team member.  When we support, coach and invest in a toolbox for an individual’s whole life, their whole outlook gets bigger, their mindset more positive, and their possibility boundless.  This overflows into their job role, and creates better balance, resilience and determination in all roles they own.  By connecting their job to other parts of their life, it ensures that job is in integral part of their whole life’s game plan. 

  • Imposter Syndrome - Exploring and unraveling some of the judgement tied in with Imposter Syndrome helps us take away some strategies to go into new or challenging situations with a more positive outlook grounded in possibility.

  • How Habits Happen - Understanding that behavior change happens in stages helps us let go of guilt and build support and resources towards action.

  • Making Space - Creating an environment for success by letting go of the "shoulds"  makes space, time and energy for what's really important.

  • Staying in Your Lane - Reducing comparison, getting clear on your goals, and ramping up strengths and values helps you find your own unique path.

  • Creating Better Stories - Creating stories from facts is part of understanding our circumstances; how we form our perspective on these circumstances affects our mindset, happiness and overall health.

  • Communicating for Connection - Improving how we talk to each other and ourselves helps set the stage for real conversations, real empathy and real impact.

  • Asking for What you Want - Admitting what we really want can be scary, but building the confidence and courage to find more autonomy is a key step to ending up where you want to be.

  • Personal Board of Directors - Forming a personal board of directors can serve us just as it does a company through advice, support, constructive challenge and mentorship.  

Schedule a Complimentary 30 Minute Intro Call

During your free 30 minute intro session, you can ask any questions of me or the coaching process, and I can learn about you and your organization, your goals, and how I can offer support and guidance. If we are a good fit, we’ll make a plan based on where you are and where you want to go.

Questions? Comments? Get in Touch!